Tech: Get a Google Cardboard for your phone and suffer some VR

End Space VR
End Space VR
End Space VR, a space-based shooter, facilities some illusory 3D graphics with immersive sound. The game-play is never finale with increasingly harder waves of enemies thrown during you. The diversion supports both trigger-based and gaze-based game-play; it even supports use of Bluetooth diversion controllers. To truly knowledge a immersive environment, use a span of headphones for sound.
Video link:

InMind VR
InMind VR

InMind is a brief tour diversion where we are miniaturised and sent by a visual haughtiness on a tour by a tellurian shaken system. Along a way, we will have to reanimate neurons and assistance a studious recover. The diversion is a tour that contingency be experienced. It works good with all forms of Cardboard devices, and it’s free!
Video link: 28Uvh5H

BombSquad VR
BombSquad VR

Bombsquad lets we blow your friends adult in a garland of mini-games, including constraint a flag, aristocrat on a hill, assault and racing. The multiplayer diversion facilities rag-doll production and tonnes of explosions. The diversion needs a Bluetooth controller, yet we won’t suggest regulating other phones and tablets as controllers for a game.
Video link:

Hardcore is a third-person mobile shooter with VR. The diversion really particularly requires a Bluetooth diversion controller, and has both single-player and online multiplayer missions. Hardcore is a arrange of diversion we will spend hours playing. Despite a elementary graphics, it is a lot of fun in VR.
Video link: 28R2g8t

Lamper VR: Firefly Rescue
Lamper VR: Firefly Rescue

Lamper VR is a arrange of unconstrained curtain in practical reality, where we fly by a continual map riddled with obstacles, enemies and power-ups. You play a firefly that’s holding on a spiders that have invaded a firefly kingdom. The diversion looks illusory and lets we select from 5 graphic characters. The best partial is that it is giveaway and is good for kids.
Video link:

WAA! (When Asteroids Attack!) VR is a hands-free diversion that lets we destroy torpedo asteroids before they take we out. You have to concentration on a asteroids to launch missiles and demeanour during batteries, screws and wrenches for power-ups. The diversion is fun, yet it can get a small dizzying as a gait picks up.
Video link: 291XHGG

Oddly-named Caaaaardboard!, this one is a illusory VR game, where we dive off buildings and use your gawk to approach yourself by pure checkpoints. Caaaaardboard! is also hands free. You can control a diversion by only looking during it. And while it is engaging, we competence aria your neck from constantly looking down, as we play.
Video link:

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