Detox, and conduct stress with these curated activities

Register for this singular eight-day detox and purify eating programme that will assistance purify your complement as good as trigger weight loss, boost appetite levels, and transparent your skin by introducing we to a healthy plant-based lifestyle

Detox, and conduct stress with these curated activities


Hakuna matata

If we spend your time worrying about what-if scenarios or if nonessential thoughts are removal your energy, this brief video march competence assistance you. Author and purpose manager Anish Baheti will deliver we to a elementary four-box technique to hoop anxiety.

On Video on demand 
Log on to 
Cost Rs 99

Detox, relax

Detox, relax

Register for this singular eight-day detox and purify eating programme that will assistance purify your complement as good as trigger weight loss, boost appetite levels, and transparent your skin by introducing we to a healthy plant-based lifestyle. 

On Jul 8; 8 pm to 10 pm 
Log on to 
Cost s Rs 2,950

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