History on song: Remembering Live Aid 1985 by books and online resources

To commemorate a anniversary of Live Aid 1985, we curated podcasts, books, and documentaries to remember a iconic concert

History on song: Remembering a iconic Live Aid 1985 by podcasts, books and documentaries

The throng during a Live Aid unison during Wembley Stadium on Jul 13, 1985 in London, England. Pic Courtesy/Getty Images

Bob Geldof’s brainchild, Live Aid is regarded as a many obvious music-based fundraising eventuality in history. The advantage performance, that was concurrently conducted on Jul 13, 1985 during Wembley Stadium in London and JFK Stadium in Philadelphia, captivated an estimated 1.5 billion radio views and lifted millions of dollars for fast service in Ethiopia. Our decisive beam deep-dives into this poignant day and a tales around it.


Live Aid and We Heart Queen: Podcasters Heather Page and Jameson Maclnnis horde a Gen X Guide to a Universe and plead topics that can be new to millennials. In this episode, they take a listeners by MTV’s initial live promote of a Live Aid concert. They pronounce about a supports lifted for Ethiopia and a  16-hour coverage on television, along with pity their favourite moments from a concert.
Log on to podcasts.google.com 

we Witnessed History: Author and publisher Mick Brown shares his practice of a Wembley Stadium during a concert. He relives a memories and captures a atmosphere, a spectacle, and a range of a legacy. He discusses Bob Geldof’s prophesy to hindrance fast in Ethiopia and a track packaged with 72,000 fans and over a billion radio viewers.
Log on to podcasts.google.com


Live Aid: World Wide Concert Book (1985): If we wish to see photographs of these maestro cocktail stars, this book by author Peter Hillmore is a one for you. It facilities images of a stone musicians and singers who were partial of a coexisting performances. The reviews of their concerts are also enclosed in a book.
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Bob Geldof, Man behind Live Aid (1986): Having created over 90 books, Nathan Aaseng’s book focuses on Bob Geldof’s life in particular. It highlights a Irish singer-songwriter’s early years, veteran life, and free endeavours. Surprisingly, before organising a Live Aid bid for fast victims, his artistic accomplishments were comparatively unrecognised.
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Live Aid opposite all contingency (1986): This two-episode documentary by a British Broadcasting Corporation traces a story of Live Aid from a common beginnings, a cocktail balance cobbled together in a behind chair of a taxi, to a eve of a biggest televised eventuality on both sides of a Atlantic. It recalls how Bob Geldof and his organisation of cocktail idols raced opposite a time to put together a biggest low-pitched eventuality in history.
Log on to youtube.com 

Live Aid Remembered (2005): Who wouldn’t wish to look into a behind-the-scenes of this ancestral performance? The inside story of Live Aid, as recounted by a organisers and a performers, is prisoner by executive Janice Sutherland. Additionally, it offers a glance into a straightforward outline of how Bob Geldof intimidated a song industry.
Log on to imdb.com  

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