Do it a right way: Key points to remember when going for a trek

As monsoon treks and trails resume opposite a state, dual consultant trekkers share discipline on how to safeguard that reserve always comes first

Do it a right way: Key points to remember when going for a trek

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The attainment of a monsoons means a engorgement of brave activities from installation trails to bank treks along a Sahyadris. However, it is critical to note reserve as tip priority before venturing out. Two city-based seasoned trekkers beam us by a elementary checklist that one needs to keep in mind. 


Keep a checklist of a things to carry, including a first-aid pack and a medical box. It will assistance others on a trek, too.

Check your health standing before venturing out.

Wear good-quality gear, including lane pants and a full-sleeved T-shirt. Always wear a physique raincoat. If we devise to take adult dual to 3 treks a month, deposit in a span of good-quality hold shoes. Carry a trek for easy entrance while climbing hilly pathways.

For beginners, start with internal treks such as Sondai fort, Harishchandragad or Peb fort, as locals have entrance to these locations, and can assistance if evident medical courtesy is required. This will also assistance trekkers know themselves improved in terms of mind, body, and stamina for destiny treks. Including children of 6 to 15 years of age in such activities will assistance them rise their mental, physical, and romantic strength.

Start your tour with an determined movement organisation, as an gifted beam will assistance we with a skills indispensable for a successful trek. Attempt solo expeditions usually after gaining some experience. 

Carry a smallest of 3 litres of H2O and light snacks.

Stay warning and courteous during all times as one mistake can lead to injuries for others, too.

Since there is 0 network during treks, safeguard we download Google Maps in offline mode. 


Trekkers with ongoing ailments should check a turn of problem of a trek and a altitude. In Maharashtra, altitudes are moderate, and can be endorsed for all. However, people with asthmatic conditions should not try above a altitude of 8,000 ft.

Do not rush to start movement during a start of a monsoon. Wait until July-end, as complicated rains will rinse divided lax rocks and it will also revoke a probability of any healthy casualties.

Never dive low into waterfalls as a H2O levels can boost during any time and lead to serious injuries or worse, casualties. Don’t spawn as it can spoil a region’s biodiversity. 

Do not indulge in celebration or smoking as it can lead to dangerous consequences. Several websites arrange for such expeditions. Do not go by likes; always check if they have adequate knowledge and reviews.

Inputs by trek organiser Piyush Arun and approved mountaineer Tirth Sangoi

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