Tragic! Zookeeper killed by tiger during Hamerton Zoo Park

Tragic! Zookeeper killed by tiger during Hamerton Zoo Park

Screeshot of a tiger. Pic/YouTube

London: A screw was killed by a tiger during Hamerton Zoo Park in England, a BBC reported, and a zoo pronounced there seemed to have been a weird accident.

The zoo, located in a county of Cambridgeshire in eastern England, pronounced it would remained sealed while there was a full review and it hoped to announce serve sum as shortly as possible.

Also Read: Terrifying! When animals went on a rampage

“At no indicate during a occurrence did any animals shun their enclosures, and during no indicate was open reserve influenced in any way,” a zoo pronounced in a matter that done no discuss of a tiger.

The matter pronounced staff were too unsettled to pronounce to reporters.

“A tiger had entered an enclosing with a keeper. Sadly a womanlike zoo screw died during a scene,” military said, according to a BBC.

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