This Maharashtrian plate is a ultimate comfort food

Toss thinly sliced potatoes in oil, piquancy it with haldi, red chili powder, asafoetida, and salt. Add some chopped coriander to raise a essence and suffer it with chapati, dal-chawal or khichdi

This Maharashtrian plate is a ultimate comfort food

Pic Courtesy/Thespicycafe

Slices of joy

If we ask this author about her comfort food, batatyachya kachrya (thin potato slices) is what she would reply. Having grown adult in a Maharashtrian household, this sabzi is comfort food common during a modest best. It is that singular plate that finds agreement opposite a family when silent runs out of ideas for a meal. Toss thinly sliced potatoes in oil, piquancy it with haldi, red chili powder, asafoetida, and salt. Add some chopped coriander to raise a essence and suffer it with chapati, dal-chawal or khichdi.

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