The story of a century

An charcterised brief captures a storied tour of a 100-year-old CSMVS opposite a backdrop of a city

The story of a century

A screengrab from a charcterised brief on CSMVS. Pic Courtesy/CSMVS Mumbai

A century is a prolonged time in that cities can fall, arise and change completely. With a city like Mumbai, this knowledge is double exponentially. The story of one such  Mumbai institution, a Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (CSMVS), finds a approach by  well-researched charcterised brief film on a museum’s YouTube channel.

Vandana Prapanna, comparison curator and judgment engineer for a video, tells us that animation was a quickest approach to locate open attention. “The story of a museum is also about so many contribution and dates. We did not wish it to spin into a lecture,” she elaborates.

Anirban MajumderAnirban Majumder

The video was to be a longer film, though Prapanna chose to keep it brief for a improved reach. “A 100-year-long tour is not easy to accumulate in a five-minute film. Since people always wish to know a milestones, we edited it down to a pivotal events,” she emphasises.

The charge of gripping it interactive and sharp-witted fell to artist and researcher, Anirban Majumder, a former tyro of museology during CSMVS. Using a archival maps and prints of a city, including a initial pattern acquiescence of a museum’s structure, Majumder one storytelling and history. He says, “I took a elements of these paintings from a repository and used it to tell a story and tour into a past.”

Vandana PrapannaVandana Prapanna

The brief video is a commencement of an expansion for a museum. “The Children’s Museum has also come adult with a brief film. We are formulation to rise some-more brief films to strech out to audiences,” Prapanna promises. 

Log on to YouTube/CSMVS Mumbai

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