Team Guide Recommends: Rice, repeat

On a food smoothness app, a place re-introduced me to rice varieties like banshkathi, jeerakathi and miniket

Team Guide Recommends: Rice, repeat

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Rice and laze are dual things we can’t let go of. Maybe that’s because my favourite kind of snooze is ‘bhaat-ghum’ — an fondness for siesta, after polishing off a course of rice with juicy sides, in a infrequent Bangla lexicon. But we was unfortunate to not find parboiled rice varieties we have grown adult eating in Mumbai. Recently, we detected Mishti Affair, a Bandra-based opening for mixture that smell like home. On a food smoothness app, a place re-introduced me to rice varieties like banshkathi, jeerakathi and miniket. Along with such parboiled varieties, they also source Jharna ghee, bori and dhoka.
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