Mumbai chefs exhibit food experiments that went terribly wrong on Valentine’s Day

Not so sugary
This happened 7 years ago on Valentine’s Day. we was formulation to warn my afterwards partner by cooking her a plate called duck in milk. It called for a use of salt, though we incidentally finished adult adding castor sugarine in a place. So when she got home and we pulled a vessel out of a oven, instead of a a frail golden skin, we got a blackened, greatly caramelised chicken. There was no saving it.
- Chef Prateek Sadhu

Shout out loud
In a annulment of roles, my partner (now wife) Malavika motionless to prepare Malvani duck for me one Valentine’s Day. It contingency be remarkable here that she didn’t unequivocally know her approach around a kitchen. So, most to her annoyance, her mom kept screaming instructions during her a whole time she was cooking. A cheering compare ensued, but, thankfully, it all incited out excellent during a finish of it.
- Chef Siddharth Kashyap

You’re in a wrong place
I had usually returned from London in 2009, and was to spend Valentine’s Day with my mom in Bengaluru, a city we was visiting for usually a second time in my life. She asked me to accommodate her for lunch during a grill called Sunny’s on Lavelle Road, though we finished adult going to Koshy’s. we didn’t have a internal mobile series and it didn’t start to me to call her from a payphone, so we both finished adult watchful for about an hour and afterwards eating by ourselves. When we went over to her residence after that night, she was mad and how! But we done adult for it by holding her out for a good dinner.
- Chef Conrad D’Souza

Chaat honeyed nothings
My father Amrut and we started dating in college, so, a few years ago, we motionless we should have Valentine’s Day cooking during a grill that used to be one of a favourite hangouts. Only when we got there did we see that it was sealed for renovation. Obviously, no other grill had reservations. Disappointed and wondering what to do, we started walking down one of a lanes nearby Marine Drive. Suddenly, we saw a chaat case we used to visit in a college days. Chaat value Rs 30 finished adult being a regretful Valentine’s Day dish that year.
- Chef Heena Punwani

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