Learn to emanate comics over superheroes, that understanding with genuine issues

Chaudhary’s striking stories uncover how urban-dwellers navigate their vicinity
Chaudhary’s striking stories uncover how urban-dwellers navigate their surroundings 

For long, comics have been compared with superheroes in tights and scantily-clad Amazonian women. Hoping to change this classify is Mumbai-based architect-urban engineer Nikhil Chaudhary, who promises to reason a comic-making seminar with a disproportion this weekend.

Organised by Open Bracket, it will be hold during Dr Bhau Daji Lad Mumbai City Museum. “This is a initial time we’re organising a seminar on comics. It’s an engaging middle that can be used effectively to plead several issues. And now, they’re not only meant for teenagers; even adults can suffer them,” says Parnavi Thakur, owner of Open Bracket.

Chaudhary, who took to formulating comics on civic issues in 2011, admits that a middle has a niche following in India. “People know about superhero comics since of all a Hollywood films done around them. The other form of comic that’s popular, generally on amicable media, is a one-panel wisecrack variety,” Chaudhary says.

The aim of this workshop, he says, is to deliver some-more people to this form of storytelling, and uncover them ways in that they can use of it, including when rebellious civic malaise.

Nikhil Chaudhary
Nikhil Chaudhary

Chaudhary’s works have been published in veteran journals and newspapers, and can also be found on his Facebook page, Linear Expression. 

“Through my comics, we speak to people about cities — not as a backdrop, though in a starring role. we try and prominence issues of open access, roads, and civic planning.”

At a workshop, a educated striking artist will start by walking participants by a expansion of striking novels, from Alan Moore classics like V for Vendetta to Joe Sacco’s technique of striking broadcasting as seen in works like Palestine. He will afterwards uncover participants how they can go about laying panels, and creation a account upsurge from one to a next, among other pivotal points. “I’ll explain a story mechanics, after that they will make their possess comic. Then, towards a finish of a session, we will have a contention on what we’ve created.”

He adds that a seminar is open to everybody aged 15 and above, regardless of either or not they have a credentials in art. “I trust anyone can make a comic. At a finish of a day, it’s not about a skill, it’s about a idea. Even hang total can communicate a lot if their story is interesting.”

ON: Apr 22, 10.30 am to 1.30 pm
AT: Dr Bhau Daji Lad Mumbai City Museum, Byculla (E).
LOG ON TO: insider.in
COST: Rs 500

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