Food: MasterChef Julie Goodwin’s recipe for Caramel Orange Syrup cake

Serves: 16
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour

Caramel Orange Syrup cake
Caramel Orange Syrup cake

3 cups caster sugar
90g butter
6 vast or 8 tiny oranges
2 cups self-raising flour
1/3 crater belligerent almonds (aka almond meal)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 3/4 crater caster sugar
250g unsalted butter, during room temperature
4 vast eggs
3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 crater green cream

In a vast saucepan, feverishness a sugarine with 1 crater water, stir until sugarine dissolves, afterwards leave to boil for about 10 minutes, gripping a tighten eye on a pot. The sugarine and H2O will spin a poetic caramel brownish-red colour. At this theatre supplement a butter and stir briskly with a steel spoon. Be prepared for a reduction to stew up. Remove from a feverishness and stir until many of a stew has died down.
Preheat a oven to 160°C.
Zest 3 of a oranges, afterwards flay all 8 of them, stealing a white pith. Cut any one in half from tip to bottom afterwards cut out a center in a v-shape to mislay a tough partial of a segments. Cut into slices about ½ m thick.
Place an ungreased, unlined 26cm open form cake tin onto a baking tray to locate any steam during cooking. Arrange a orange pieces to cover a bottom of a tin. Reserve any leftover orange pieces. Pour about 2/3 of a caramel over a oranges. Place a indifferent orange pieces into a pot with a remaining caramel and place behind on a middle feverishness and move to a boil. Remove from a heat, strain, and haven a orange caramel syrup.
In a vast blending bowl, brew flour, almond dish and salt.
In a second bowl, kick butter and caster sugarine together with an electric palm mixer, until light and fluffy. Add eggs one during a time, violence good after any egg. Add orange liking and mix.
Add half a dry mixture to a butter mix, and stir well, followed by half a green cream.
Repeat with a remaining dry mixture and green cream. Gently flow a beat over a oranges in a tin and widespread delicately until level.
Place cake in oven for 45 mins – 1 hour, or until golden brownish-red and stretch on top, and a bamboo skewer extrinsic into a cake comes out clean.
Allow a cake to rest in a tin for 10 minutes. Run a blade of a blade around a inside corner of a tin, afterwards spin upside down onto a portion platter. Release a open and kindly open a tin so that a cake drops onto a platter. Gently mislay a bottom of a tin from a tip of a cake. If any orange segments are dislodged they can simply be rearranged. Drizzle some of a syrup over a cake while it is warm, and keep a rest for serving. Serve with double cream or good peculiarity vanilla ice cream.

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