Wild and wonderful

Sign adult for a wildflower route by BNHS for an event to mark a few singular class amidst a healthy haven in a city

Wild and wonderful

Hill turmeric

As Mumbai and a hinterland declare light monsoon showers, it competence not be such a bad thought to step out and get a front-row chair to declare some flora in a drizzling rain. If you’re a inlet fan penetrating to knowledge such a spectacle, conduct to Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) that is organising a wildflower route during a their healthy haven in Goregaon this weekend, in a 33-acre primitive forest.

Kali musli
Kali musli

Some of a singular flowers found in a haven embody Chlorophytum tuberosum (safed musli), Crinum latifolium (milk and booze lily), Curculigo orchioides (kali musli), Ledebouria revoluta (south Indian squill), Curcuma pseudomontana (hill turmeric), and Pancratium triflorum (forest spider lily). Other plants to demeanour for are dragon smoke-stack yam, furious grapes, defense root ariopsis, and pinkish striped wail lily. It is suggested to not bravery any flowers or leaves from a timberland during a trail.

Forest spider lily. Pics courtesy/ Dr Rajdeo Singh
Forest spider lily. Pics courtesy/ Dr Rajdeo Singh

These plants, that are famous as ephemerals grow customarily during enlightened durations and are short-lived. Dr Rajdeo Singh, a former botanist during BNHS, shares, “These flowers freshness customarily after a initial monsoon showers, and they swab divided in a week or two. Some plants have medicinal properties and are also consumed as vegetables. Sadly, civic dwellers are increasingly relocating divided from nature. Keeping this in mind, we started this wildflower route final year as a approach to rekindle this bond.”

Dr Rajdeo Singh
Dr Rajdeo Singh

Speaking of a medicinal benefits, divert and booze lilies are customarily found in a Western Ghats after a initial rains. Their bulbs are intensely acrid, and are used for rheumatism, since a extract of their leaves can be used for earaches. “Safed musli is a tiny herb that lies prosaic on a belligerent with white flowers. The tubers have been extensively extracted for their aphrodisiac powers, ensuing in a plant’s critically involved standing by a International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),” explains Singh. These ephemerals are not customarily medicinal, though also offer as an critical source of nectar and pollen for local insects. 

On: Jun 19; 8 am onwards
Meeting point: CEC, BNHS Reserve, Goregaon. 
Call: 9969798447 
Cost: Rs 600 (BNHS members), Rs 700 (others)