Top dual monsoon treks around Mumbai

It’s a ideal time for a getaway amidst nature. Here are a tip picks of sparkling treks around Mumbai

Top dual monsoon treks around Mumbai

Representative Image

Matheran calling

Located in a southwest instruction of Matheran, a Garbett Plateau trek is one of a many renouned hikes during a monsoon for people around Mumbai. Get a possibility to knowledge inlet to a fullest and tell your senses by exploring stately views of Matheran and Bhivpuri. Spend your afternoons exploring trails, forests, lakes, waterfalls, and streams.
On: Jul 3; 5.10 am
Meeting point: SGNP, categorical gate, Borivali.
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Cost: Rs 699 and Rs 1,299 (with transport)

Dark and exciting

Andharban Forest
Andharban Forest

Do we suppose yourself anticipating routes, flitting by valleys, and channel ghats in a center of a dim jungle? The Andharban Dark Forest Trek competence be your kind of adventure. As we deplane from a mountain, try a timberland and learn a few lifelike panoramas. Witness a mesmerising perspective of a Kundalika Valley, Bhira Dam, and a many ranges of Tamhini Ghat as we trek along a ridges.
On: Jul 2; 10 pm
Meeting point: SGNP, Borivali.
Log on to: 
Cost: Rs 2,500

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