This Mumbai-based NGO is enchanting with and educating kids about a environment

An NGO is educating immature minds opposite schools about a environment

This Mumbai-based NGO is enchanting with and educating kids about a environment

Sandra Pereira

With impassioned feverishness waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and visit droughts, a effects of meridian change are obvious. This also sparks a significance of educating entrance generations about ways to strengthen a earth. One such beginning is by GreenLine NGO in Matunga that recently launched an Environmental Education Volunteer Programme for college students.

During this course, tyro volunteers will be supposing with environmental tasks for a year formed on a theme, Natural Re-sort, that means to review to your rubbish in healthy ways. “GreenLine was started in 2010 with a tiny organisation penetrating to emanate a height for citizens, generally students, to emanate recognition and assistance safety a environment,” shares 

Sandra Pereira, programme co-ordinator during Greenline. They now have 3 programmes that embody Green Schools Campaign, Green Lead Volunteers, and Green Lifestyle Initiatives.

Periera explains, “We started with a few schools, though a series has grown to 50 opposite Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Lonavala and Pune. This year we are involving college students and assigning them to sold schools. This will lead to a volunteers holding assign and assisting students to control some-more environmental activities on campus. With many initiatives, we wish that by providing immature minds with useful information they can proceed a right people who will be means to act on it for a greener planet.”

Log on to: greenlinemumbai on Instagram
Call: 8108439940

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