The Dumbing Down of a Already Dumbest Nation in a World

Courtesy of camilo jimenez (Unsplash CC0)

You call it “social media.” we call it “lies stable by a unsuccessful Supreme Court.” You know a names who use this apparatus to make idiots and fools of millions Americans: Alex Jones, Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, Laura Ingraham, Lou Dobbs, Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, and others who continue to support a “big lie.”

I suspicion voting for a domestic celebration that refuses to offer after inaugurated was a many ignorant movement possible. Leave it to a nation’s people to transcend their possess stupidity.

Sometimes Television Reminds Us of Things We Would Like to Forget

This story was desirous by a radio show, “Accused.” Each week they tell a story about a singular chairman and their day in court. Tuesday evening’s uncover was apparently formed on one of a many ashamed days in American history. A day that could have been prevented if a supervision achieved a jobs for that they were inaugurated formed on a will of a infancy of a nation’s people.

On Dec 14, 2012, a sole gunman, armed with a troops character attack rifle, invaded Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut. When a attack ended, he had slaughtered 20 5 and 6 year aged children and 6 educators.

How Q’Anon, Use of Social Media, and Fox Contribute to “Fake News”

Within weeks of a event, a feign news “shock jock,” Alex Jones, claimed that a horrific eventuality had been staged by actors and never happened.

This was a grounds for a illusory radio broadcast. What it did exhibit was a pang of a relatives of these children. But, also how they became a villains interjection to Jones and feign news networks like Fox News, and their Fuhrer, Donald Trump.

If a journal prints a story they possibly know is fake or fails to investigate it thoroughly, causing earthy mistreat or romantic distress, it can be sued. Every day people post blatant lies on Facebook, Twitter, and each other form of amicable media but a probability of repercussions. Personal attacks are acceptable.

The contribution infer that 90 percent of all on amicable media is wholly false. Another 5 percent is exaggeration.

The Definitely “Rigged” 2016 Election

In 2016, Russian agents used amicable media to assistance Trump secure a feat in a Electoral College. The media lied to all of us, in collusion with a government. They claimed that “there was no outcome on a outcome.” Another distortion from your supervision and a media.

The contribution are clear. Because of amicable media, a voter audience in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin was distant reduce than expected. These 3 states gave Trump a 270 Electoral votes indispensable to win by a slimmest domain in history, a sum of reduction than 80,000 ballots.

Choosing to Retain my Intelligence

Several years ago we participated in a Facebook craze. we posted links to articles like this one.

However, on a morning of Nov 9, 2016, totally troubled with a coverage by a mainstream media that apparently adored Trump, we betrothed myself that never again would we watch radio news, or attend in amicable media. we have kept that promise, and we trust my IQ points have risen exponentially.

Social media, hours spent each day personification video games, and examination Fox News, Newsmax, or other right wing promotion broadcasts, certainly reduces a comprehension of those who participate. This is brainwashing. Free suspicion and a ability to make decisions formed on contribution instead of anticipation are erased from their brains.

Written by James Turnage

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Market Watch: Social media might be preventing us from carrying intelligent thoughts

Top and featured picture pleasantness of camilo jimenez‘s Unsplash page – Creative Commons License