The Constitution Has Been Revoked: The United States Is a Lawless Country

Courtesy of Patrick Tomasso (Unsplash CC0)

America has turn a riotous country, including a Law of a Land, before called a Constitution of a United States of America.

Trump Violated a Constitution Every Day for Four Years

I start with a obvious. A former sitting boss committed an act of fraud that can't be denied by anyone with common clarity or a television. However, distinct others who were arrested and convicted for committing a biggest crime opposite a nation, Trump stays giveaway and continues to mistreat a country’s future. In addition, association and a Supreme Court have refused to plead territory 3 of a 14th amendment that prevents Donald Trump from using for any domestic office. Neither Republicans nor Democrats had a bravery to go to a people and tell a truth.

Let’s get to what is truly important, how a republic got to where it is today.

How Did We Get to a End of America?

In 1980, we and millions of other Americans were conned by a Hollywood actor by a name of Ronald Reagan. The former Governor of California was ambitious, a gifted orator, and a farce. He had no seductiveness in his country, he sought power, fame, and fortune, a things he worked for all of his life in a film industry. It was Ronald Reagan who began a passing of a Republican Party, and re-modeled it in a form that represents special interests in a 21st century.

In 2016 Donald Trump was illegitimately inaugurated by a Electoral College and became a 45th feign president. On Inauguration Day, 2017, a finish of a once Grand Old Party was complete. This is what a Republican Party in name usually supports today.

The Promises and Guarantees of a Constitution Have Been Forgotten

The Constitution promises probity and equivalence for all. This is self-existent in 2023. The abounding and absolute are above a law. Low income and bankrupt Americans are punished to a full border of a law. If we are Black or Hispanic, a “Justice” complement will find a approach to keep we jailed for a rest or many of your life.

A nazi fight had begun, designed to finish a energy of unions, and support a efforts of companies to boost their profits. Reagan’s mercantile process of “trickle down economics” total today’s outrageous opening in income inequality. Multiple efforts distant a needs of a infancy and focused on special interests who would support a new feign Republicans in their efforts to win elections.

The FCC Has Failed Its Responsibility and Allows Fox News to Divide Our Nation’s People

Assisting a right wing was Rupert Murdoch who total a “Republican” promotion appurtenance in 1995 to support these neo-fascists and called it “Fox News.” The vigilant was to order a republic and support a organisation who designed an finish to democracy, and reinstate it with a plutocracy upheld by a nazi government.

Right wing extremists, including a Republican Party in name only, and Fox News would like we to trust that they are patriots. However, a law is that they hatred a America of a Founding Fathers and have skeleton to finish a existence.

Are You a Fascist, or an American?

All fascists are white supremacists, and all white supremacists are “Republicans.” The concentration of their celebration in Washington and in all red states is vicious to their ambition: voter suppression. Eventually, by 2021, 19 states had determined laws with a vigilant of restricting a rights of minorities and all other groups who gaunt towards Democrats and Independents. Multiple Republican dominated states are following their lead and are holding a required stairs to join them.

The Joke Which Was Once a Supreme Court

Late in 2020, reduction than one month before a ubiquitous election. Moscow Mitch McConnell pennyless his possess order and brisk a acknowledgment of an unqualified, Christian extremist, Amy Coney Barrett, to fill a open chair total by a genocide of a mythological Ruth Bader Ginsburg. This finished a legitimacy of a Supreme Court for a subsequent several decades, and presumably forever.

Today, a Court consists of 3 women who are legitimate justices who trust that a Constitution is a vital document, and 6 utter justices who trust that politics precludes a Law of a Land total by a Founding Fathers in 1789.

The Most Warlike Country in History

Born in 1946, we know that each fight announced or undeclared by a supervision has been illegal, immoral, unwinnable. Generally, they boost a resources of billionaires who present heavily to Republican choosing campaigns. The Military Industrial Complex is one of a largest companies in America. During his depart address, a genuine Republican, Dwight D. Eisenhower, warned opposite a risk of this miserly organisation of American businessmen.

Let’s tell a law no one else will. When we left Korea, Vietnam, Iran, and Afghanistan in disgrace, we left a trusting people worse off than they were before we invaded their countries. All together tens-of-thousands of lives were mislaid and a cost to American taxpayers was in a trillions of dollars. They were all for zero with a difference of a boost of corporations.

Abandoning a Principles of a GOP

Changes within a right wing of American politics have resulted in changes for a lives of all Americans. The best medical and opportunities for preparation in a best universities and colleges are usually accessible to a super-rich. As a usually republic in a universe of grown nations but concept medical and giveaway or affordable education, a stream supervision is an annoyance to a intentions of a first fathers. These are ideal examples of how a supervision has altered over my 76 years, and because it has turn a many hurtful in a giveaway world.

The Media Continues to Ignore a Responsibility

Today, story is underneath conflict from nazi like Trump, DeSantis, and Abbott. Censorship in a schools and libraries are attempts to censor what was bad about America. It prevents younger Americans from training from a mistakes of their ancestors. Have no illusion, a mainstream media supports right wing extremists. Firstly, it began during a 2016 choosing when they lonesome Trump 5 times some-more than all possibilities combined, and usually talked about Hillary in a disastrous way.

The First Amendment supports a press. The thought was that they would be “watchdogs” and display crime in a government. Obviously, this no longer happens.

The Constitution has been Shredded and Forgotten in Washington

Trump hold bureau for 1,460 days. The Constitution has some-more than 2,300 pages. If Americans had reelected Trump, he would have succeeded in shredding each page of a nation’s many dedicated document.


By James Turnage

Find my 9 novels on Amazon’s Kindle


The Guardian: America is now in fascism’s authorised phase

The New York Review: American Fascism: It Has Happened Here


Top and featured picture pleasantness of Patrick Tomasso‘s Unsplash page — Creative Commons License