Tens of thousands accumulate in Tehran as Raisi’s wake prayers held


Huge crowds of Iranians alive a streets of a collateral Tehran on Wednesday for a wake way of boss Ebrahim Raisi and his entourage, who died in a helicopter crash.

In a city centre, mourners clutching portraits of Raisi collected in and around a University of Tehran, where Iran’s autarchic leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, led a prayers.

Flanked by tip officials, Ayatollah Khamenei pronounced prayers over a coffins of a dead, who also enclosed Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

The personality of a Palestinian insurgency organisation Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, assimilated a procession, as did a emissary personality of a Lebanese insurgency organisation Hezbollah, Naim Qassem.

“I contend once again… we are certain that a Islamic Republic of Iran will continue a support for a Palestinian people,” Haniyeh told a throng to chants of “Death to Israel”.

Read What happens if an Iranian boss dies in office?

Raisi’s helicopter crashed into a fog-shrouded mountainside in northwestern Iran on Sunday as he headed behind to a city of Tabriz after attending a rite on a limit with Azerbaijan.

A design of late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is seen on a box during a wake rite for him and his companions who were killed in a helicopter pile-up during Mosalia mosque in Tehran. PHOTO: AFP

A design of late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is seen on a box during a wake rite for him and his companions who were killed in a helicopter pile-up during Mosalia mosque in Tehran. PHOTO: AFP

A design of late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is seen on a box during a wake rite for him and his companions who were killed in a helicopter pile-up during Mosalia mosque in Tehran. PHOTO: AFP

A outrageous hunt and rescue operation was launched, involving assistance from Turkey, Russia and a European Union. State radio announced Raisi’s genocide early on Monday.

Raisi, who was widely approaching to attain Khamenei as autarchic leader, was 63.

In a capital, outrageous banners have left adult hailing a late boss as “the sufferer of service”, while others bade “farewell to a menial of a disadvantaged”.

From a university, a coffins will be driven to a outrageous Enghelab Square in a city centre and on to Azadi Square, state media said.

Funeral rites for Raisi and his environment began on Tuesday with processions by Tabriz and a Shiite ecclesiastic centre of Qom sketch tens of thousands of black-clad mourners.

From Tehran, a bodies will be taken to Iran’s second city of Mashhad, Raisi’s hometown in a northeast, where he will be buried on Thursday dusk after wake rites during a Imam Reza shrine.

Ayatollah Khamenei, who wields ultimate management in Iran, has announced 5 days of inhabitant anguish and reserved clamp boss Mohammad Mokhber, 68, as caretaker boss until a Jun 28 choosing for Raisi’s successor.

Iran’s tip arch adjudicator Ali Bagheri, who was Amir-Abdollahian’s deputy, has been named behaving unfamiliar minister.

The country’s armed army arch of staff Mohammad Bagheri has systematic an review into a means of a helicopter crash.

Mourners attend a wake rite for late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions who were killed in a helicopter pile-up during Mosalia mosque in Tehran. PHOTO: AFP

Mourners attend a wake rite for late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions who were killed in a helicopter pile-up during Mosalia mosque in Tehran. PHOTO: AFP

Mourners attend a wake rite for late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions who were killed in a helicopter pile-up during Mosalia mosque in Tehran. PHOTO: AFP

Raisi was inaugurated boss in 2021, next a assuage Hassan Rouhani during a time when a economy was smashed by US sanctions imposed over Iran’s arch activities.

After his death, tellurian allies Russia and China sent their condolences, as did NATO, while a UN Security Council celebrated a minute’s silence.

Messages of upraise also flooded in from Iran’s allies around a region, including a Syrian supervision as good as Hamas and Hezbollah.