‘Proud to be an American’: A Slogan, a Song, and Now a Phrase Without Meaning

Courtesy of Clay Banks (Unsplash CC0)

“Proud to be an American.” This was a word we listened via my whole life. And for about one half of my life, we believed in a meaning. However, during scarcely 77 years of age, we do not. Don’t consider that a hackneyed aged line, “if we don’t like it here, move,” can be applied. This is my country, and we adore a republic that nourished me and upheld beliefs we believed in, with usually a few hesitations, for many of my life.

I was unapproachable to recite a “Pledge of Allegiance” during a commencement of each propagandize day. Eagerly, we sang a “Star Spangled Banner” whenever it was played. we believed that a United States was truly a biggest republic in a world. Then we grew up.

Facing Reality

It began while we was in a United States Air Force in 1964. My supervision motionless to send a excellent immature organisation median around a universe to quarrel a war. We did not know why, and were given no legitimate reason because we were being drafted. North Vietnam had not pounded a country, and we had no justification of a hazard to a nation’s people. As a physique bags filled with a stays of immature organisation my age began to arrive home, grief progressed into anger.

Slogans such as, “Hey Hey No More, What a Hell are We Fighting For,” rang loyal to my generation. My faith in a republic of a Founding Fathers had faded. we no longer devoted a organisation and women in Washington who were selected to lead a country. And from this, my faith in America began to die. The conditions worsened with each decade. Lyndon Johnson’s administration played what we call a “generation game.” Our republic became divided by age as protests increasing in distance and series opposite America.

My Generation Exposed American Government Corruption

All Americans were forced to face existence during a finish of what became a decade of change in a country. On Aug 15, 1969, a largest criticism in American story began in Bethel, New York. About 500,000 immature organisation and women collected together for a 3 day song festival famous as “Woodstock.”

Nearly 10 months later, on May 4, 1970, a organisation of Ohio National Guardsmen dismissed live ammunition into a throng of students on a campus of Kent State University, murdering 4 and wounding nine. Protests began to widespread as a relatives of younger Americans assimilated their children in indignant dissent. Vietnam had turn a mislaid cause.

On Apr 30, 1975, Saigon fell to a North Vietnamese military. All Americans over from Southeast Asia. However, we left many of a South Vietnamese allies behind. America’s troops had mislaid a second of what would turn 4 unwinnable wars.

Although some-more than 85,000 American organisation and women mislaid their lives, no trustworthy reason has been given to a American people for a 20-year prolonged war.

Presidential Decay in a 21st Century

On Aug 8, 1974, President Richard Nixon quiescent his presidency, rather than face impeachment and a hearing in a Senate. His many gross crime was grouping a thievery of Democratic National Headquarters located in a Watergate Hotel. Not usually was he not punished, he was pardoned for “all and any crimes” by afterwards President Gerald Ford on Sunday, Sep 8, 1974. He valid that all politicians are above a law.

On this day, all trust we might have had in my supervision left forever.

Since that day we have been increasingly indignant with a government. we voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980, usually to learn that his whole debate was a lie. Early in 1981, he began a three-pronged quarrel on a American people, focused on a operative class, Black Americans, and all women. When he left a White House in 1989, a republic was heavily in debt, and stagnation was on a rise. His mercantile process of “trickle down economics” had unsuccessful miserably. The peculiarity of life for a infancy of Americans was in decline.

When President Bill Clinton left bureau in 2001, a inhabitant book was experiencing a surplus. However, a administration of a second misfortune boss in history, George W. Bush, left Washington as America neared a second Great Depression, and a troops intent in dual bootleg and unwinnable wars. The multiplication within a republic had grown.

I was not “proud to be an American.” My supervision had lied to me and proven that it had no seductiveness in me, my family or any other operative category American. Our nation’s sign had turn “profit before people.”

Losing Loyalty

“Loyalty to republic ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.” Mark Twain

After Bush left office, President Barack Obama saved not usually a economy, though a nation’s standing in a giveaway world. However, when a obese, old, white male who would turn a misfortune boss in a nation’s story was illegitimately inaugurated by a Electoral College in 2016, America reached a new low we suspicion we would never see in my lifetime.

The people are a country, and about 40 percent of them motionless to support a nazi whose aspiration was a drop of a republic of a Founding Fathers.

Donald Trump’s “accomplishments” are dividing a republic to a turn not seen given a Civil War: he was impeached twice though never perceived a satisfactory hearing in a Senate: his unsuccessful mercantile process changed a republic into another recession: his disaster to lead in a quarrel opposite Covid-19 cost tens of thousands of Americans to remove their lives: he stole dozens of personal documents, and lied about possessing them: and he organized, planned, and executed a unsuccessful manoeuvre on legislature of a United States of America.

Because many members of his celebration continue to support Trump, we am really NOT “proud to be an American.” This is not my America, a republic we loving as a immature man. we doubt we will ever see that republic again.

Written by James Turnage

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Kent State University: The May 4 Shootings during Kent State University: The Search for Historical Accuracy

Reno Gazette: Journal Submissions

Top and featured picture pleasantness of Clay Banks‘ Unsplash page – Creative Commons License