Pride Month: Curated anthology of plays to excavate into a nuances of odd love

An anthology entertainment prolongation will benefaction a village of different odd voices to share lived practice of love, resilience and approval

Pride Month: Curated anthology of plays to excavate into a nuances of odd adore and identity

Stills from a play

Much like a purpose in food as a biggest Jedi guarding a frontiers of taste, ‘salt’ — in a play patrician Short and Salty — is a lynchpin that binds intersecting portrayals. The piece, an collection of 10 plays, will take viewers by a avenues of odd adore and tenacity. Does salt in these stories liven adult characters and conflict? 

Stills from a play

“The play aims to paint a poignant cube of a village by narratives made by odd identities,” says Sakshi Juneja, owner of Gaysi Family — a height for stories alone happy and desi. The Gaysi organisation is bringing a anthology out with entertainment outfits Inqueerable and Five Senses Theatre.

Vikram Phukan. Pics courtesy/Shreya ShettyVikram Phukan. Pics courtesy/Shreya Shetty

Theatre practitioner Vikram Phukan, who was concerned in curating a piece, explains, “Inqueerable was recognised in 2019. We not usually elect stories and exaggerate new scripts, though also try and order a delivery of a story that has already been performed. Every book of Inqueerable has uninformed acts alongside aged ones. Short and Salty will also follow that principle.” When we ask if any of a stories overwhelmed him differently, he mentions Nam Myoho Renge Crow by Tanvi Lehr Sonigra. The brief play traces a gender non-conforming bisexual person’s tour to self-actualisation that gets derailed by an neglected guide. In this staging, Phukan records he has followed a actor’s expansion with a book from an immediacy to possess a story to poise. About a newly combined comment of duality for a arriving play, Phukan shares, “We approached Akshay Malvankar, who is a masculine lavani dancer. The act was put together by Bhushan Korgaonkar who has uplifted Malvankar’s character of lavani, and also a ambivalence he faces as an artiste.”

Lying during a intersection of odd narratives of struggle, adore and recognition, Short and Salty will familiarize viewers with mixed voices from a group. 

On Jul 2 and 3; 5 pm and 12 am respectively 
At Pioneer Hall, Mount Mary, Bandra West. 
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