Please Join Me and Refuse to Let Those Who Hate Our Country Destroy Your Hope for America

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America! What Is Going On?

All day yesterday my bride of 27 years was vexed and angry. These emotions came from what is function in a dear state of Nevada, and opposite America. In several races a misfortune people in a universe are heading some of a best people in a republic in a polls. This should not be happening, and would not be if a state and a nation’s people took a small time to spin off a “boob tube,” keep their minds open, and learn a law about a candidates.

Know a Candidates, Vote Intelligently

Bush 43 and Trump were a misfortune dual presidents in history. Neither had any knowledge in ruling 330 million people, and that insufficiency resulted in pain and pang for all Americans, not to discuss a multiplication between a country’s people not seen given a Civil War.

The law is that in midterm elections any of us will need to make about 6 decisions on Nov 8th. That’s not seeking much. It would take about 30-60 mins to learn something about 12 or fewer possibilities and who is many aligned with a possess beliefs, and who is revelation a truth.

Americans share a outrageous responsibility, their vote. However, few take it seriously. This infrequent opinion is since many of a inaugurated officials in a House and Senate are amateurish and non-professional for any bureau during any level. Choosing to be ignorant is unforgivable, and another instance of how idle a American people have become. Apathy can't be tolerated if we wish to sojourn in a giveaway country.

2020 Election: New Hope for America

In Nov of 2020 we found wish for a initial time given a morning of Nov 9, 2016 when we schooled that a misfortune male in a world, a male blank of a singular gift to reason open office, had indeed been given a Electoral College vote. we found it scarcely unfit to trust that a many competent claimant in complicated story had mislaid to a buffoon. Was it since she was a woman? Did James Comey’s argumentative proclamation 11 days before to a choosing make a difference? we knew a radio media contributed. They chose to cover Trump five-times some-more frequently than all other possibilities combined. As a writer, who is constantly acid for a truth, we suspected that Vladimir Putin was involved, though we didn’t know it had been reliable a month before voting day. Our supervision in America hid a law from us, again.

However, in Nov of 2020 an huge voter audience private a nation’s biggest mistake from a White House. The “good guys” won a large one and saved a republic from fascism: during slightest for a while.

Your Vote Does Matter

The midterm elections are only 24 days away, and we am worried. The worried is charity us a many horrible possibilities possible. Every Trump permitted claimant is worse than a last. Not a one of them is competent for any position in government; local, state, or federal.

You can assistance revive hope. Become an sensitive voter, and inspire others to do a same. Evil can't exist when a law rises into a light. Be an Independent voter. Reject domestic parties and decider any claimant on her or his consequence and many importantly their position on a critical issues. If each American voter would have taken these few stairs before to a 2016 debacle, we would not have had a male who hates America defiling a White House for four, prolonged years.

By James Turnage, Novelist


Forbes: The Ignorant Voter

Please Join Me and Refuse to Let Those Who Hate Our Country Destroy Your Hope for America combined by James Turnage on Oct 16, 2022
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