K.D. Lang Says Madonna’s Lesbian Act Was a Publicity Stunt

MadonnaCanadian thespian K.D. Lang has settled that her regretful attribute with Madonna that was well-publicized was a broadside attempt and not real.

In 1991, it was rumored Lang and Madonna had an insinuate relationship.

Lang pronounced in an talk with “The Sunday Times,” a publicists of Madonna and Lang suspicion a attribute would assistance sell records.

Lang explained in a talk that both she and Madonna had a same publicist. She combined that it was utterly probable that a publicist expelled a story that a dual were romantically concerned to boost record sales.

Lang explained that both she and Madonna benefitted from lesbian chic. She combined that she knew about a rumors between herself and Madonna, though in actuality, they never had a passionate relationship.

In a past, Madonna has certified that she had a earthy captivate to Lang since she suspicion she looked like her father during a time Sean Penn.

The Material Girl was married to a actor from 1985-1989.

K.d. Lang came out as a lesbian to her family when she was 13 years old.

Unlike Lang, Madonna has never plainly settled she was partial of a LGBT community.

However, this is not a initial time Madonna has pragmatic she was carrying a lesbian attribute with a woman.

The Material Girl. who is deliberate a “Queen” to a LGBT community,  has had no problems exploiting lesbian stylish to foster herself.

It has been rumored she was related to Ingrid Casares, Moira McFarland, Debi Mazar, Sandra Bernard, and Jenny Shimizu.

However, distinct her heterosexual relationships, notwithstanding all a PR she perceived from her purported lesbian relationships, she never reliable she was concerned romantically with these women.

Written by Barbara Sobel


Canoe: ‘LESBIAN CHIC’: Singer k.d. lang hints Madonna ‘romance’ was a broadside stunt
Inquisitr: KD Lang Admits That Her ‘Lesbian Relationship’ With Madonna Was Just A Publicity Stunt
Metro: Madonna’s ‘lesbian romance’ with thespian kd lang never indeed happened

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K.D. Lang Says Madonna’s Lesbian Act Was a Publicity Stunt combined by Barbara Sobel on Jun 18, 2019
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