It’s animation time

Sign adult for a fun online seminar that teaches we how to blueprint animal cartoons, and get some tips on how to collect adult this ability with ease

It’s animation time

Cartoons by contemporary impressionist Sai Priya Mahajan

Are we a cartooning fan who finds it tough to get a right mentorship? Sai Priya Mahajan, a contemporary impressionist, has crafted a ideal seminar for you. The seminar will give we a conduct start in training to emanate professional-looking cartoons but any special collection or before knowledge. It will learn we how to make simple animation sketches and afterwards spin them into animation characters.

A board seminar by a artist in sessionA board seminar by a artist in session

Mahajan, an engineering connoisseur from IIT Bombay, has formerly won a Outstanding Watercolor Award during a Boldbrush Contest. “Cartooning is a fun approach to learn your artistic and fluent side. One doesn’t have to be good during sketch to try their palm during cartooning. An seductiveness in emotions and characters is adequate to get we started,” shares a 33-year-old.

Sai Priya MahajanSai Priya Mahajan

For a past 3 years, she has been pity a fun of portrayal by conducting portrayal parties and art workshops. At a commencement of a pandemic, she offering giveaway online art parties each day for over dual months, that saw good appearance from art lovers. She shares, “Together we found condolence and strength by formulating art. we feel intensely beholden for a event as it helped me stay sane, bond with associate art lovers, and learn many new art forms.”

Mahajan is also partial of several art associations, including a International Watercolor Society, and is a lifetime member of a Art Society of India. “I trust in a office of dreams and vital life but regrets. After graduation and a army in a startup world, we rekindled my adore for a arts, and exhibited both in India as good as internationally. Cartooning can be fun and doesn’t need accurate drawing. A simple bargain and seductiveness in emotions, characters, wit, and joke is all one needs,” she explains. 

On Jul 16; 2 pm  onwards
Log on to
Cost Rs 900

Tips for arriving cartoonists

. Look around we for characters, emotions, and reactions.
. There is no scold approach to illustrate, so find your possess inspiration.
. Practise, practise, and practise.