Hamas response to Gaza ceasefire offer ‘consistent’ with beliefs of US plan, personality says


The Hamas insurgency group’s response to a latest Gaza ceasefire offer is unchanging with a beliefs put brazen in US President Joe Biden’s plan, a group’s Qatar-based personality Ismail Haniyeh pronounced in a televised debate on a arise of a Islamic Eid al-Adha on Sunday.

“Hamas and a (Palestinian) groups are prepared for a extensive understanding that entails a ceasefire, withdrawal from a strip, a reformation of what was broken and a extensive barter deal,” Haniyeh said, referring to a sell of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners.

On May 31, Biden laid out what he called a “three-phase” Israeli offer that would embody negotiations for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza as good as phased exchanges of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners hold in Israel.

Egypt and Qatar – that along with a United States have been mediating between Hamas and Israel – said on June 11 that they had perceived a response from a Palestinian groups to a US plan, but giving serve details.

While Israel said Hamas leisure fighters rejected pivotal elements of a US plan, a comparison Hamas leader told Reuters that a changes a organisation requested were “not significant”.