Go with a flow

Sign adult for a seminar where participants will be guided about adopting elementary lifestyle changes and healthy eating habits to palliate a hurdles around menstruation

Go with a flow

A formerly conducted Happy Periods seminar by SHARAN

Periods and menstrual cramps are not new concerns, though can these not-so-happy-days be any different? Experts during Sharan (Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature) contend yes. According to them, a menstrual cycle can be easy and reduction unpleasant if we start eating right. They will be pity discipline about a same in their arriving workshop.

Ragi fudge sqaure
Ragi fudge sqaure

The event will embody a speak on how nourishment plays an critical purpose in adolesence along with a causes of unpleasant menstruation, shorter/longer duration cycles, no menstruation (amenorrhea), early menopause and heightened symptoms of menopause. The organization is dedicated to swelling recognition about holistic health and an ecologically tolerable or merciful lifestyle.

Broccoli salad
Broccoli salad

Participants will be cordial about PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease), and how it can be topsy-turvy with elementary dietary and lifestyle changes. Nutritionist Madhura Vayal will be conducting a healthy cooking session, where she will denote healthful recipes. The nutritionist will share recipes of dishes such as nibs and seeds granola, roasted beetroot hummus, broccoli salad and ragi fudge squares.

“I got my initial duration when we was 10 years old, and it was formidable to adjust to a earthy and romantic changes during such an early age. Today, during my consultations, we accommodate girls who have got their durations even earlier, during 8 years or so. As a outcome of this they will also have to face menopause during an early age, too. All of this can be avoided if their lifestyle is corrected,” Vayal says. She serve adds, “In this workshop, we will learn how something as healthy as durations needn’t be a means of highlight and ill health. We will learn that dishes to equivocate and what dish devise to follow to taste on some rational and tasty recipes.”

On: Jun 9 and 10; 12 pm to 2 pm record on to insider. in 
Call: 9769117747 
Cost: Rs 1,180