Electoral College and Voting

Electoral College

The time to opinion is roughly on America. With a COVID-19 pestilence using prevalent via a world, many people have sought protected ways to vote.

American voters’ ballots are collected, counted, and a winning claimant is reserved a state’s electoral votes. The Electoral College was designed by a Founding Fathers of a U.S. Overall, there are 538 members, one for any U.S. deputy and senator. There are 3 additional electorate to paint a District of Columbia.

Every state has been reserved electoral votes, that are equal to a sum of their Congressional commission — including dual Senators and a series of Representatives allotted for their state. Then any state legislature is giveaway to establish a routine on that to use their electors.

Electoral CollegeFor example, a state of California has dual Senators and 53 Representatives. Therefore California is allotted 55 electoral College votes.

In states like Alaska and Wyoming, both usually have one Representative. So. they any have a sum of 3 Electoral College votes.

In any election, 538 Electoral College “Elector” votes are adult for grabs. This complement is sincerely simple, really. The chairman who receives a many votes in a state wins a Electoral College votes for that state.

However, Maine and Nebraska discharge their votes somewhat differently. They order a states into dual Congressional districts, and any district is given one Electoral Vote. This leaves dual votes for a altogether leader in Maine and 3 in Nebraska.

Once all a votes are counted, a claimant who wins a infancy of a votes wins a election. If during any time there becomes a tie, a newly-elected House of Representatives will confirm a outcome.

Therefore if a House has to be a determining vote, a infancy opinion manners — 26 out of 50 votes, currently, a House comprises 26 Republicans, 20 Democrats, with a remaining 4 spots separate evenly.

In a 240 years a Electoral College been around, it has perceived a lot of churned feelings. Some people trust that some states are overrepresented, even with them carrying a smallest of 3 Electoral College votes.

Written By Sheena Robertson
Edited by Cathy Milne-Ware

Election Central: Electoral College: How Does It Work?; Jack Walker

National Conference of State Legislatures: The Electoral College

Inline Image by 2090Cal Courtesy of Wikimedia – Creative Commons License
Featured and Top Image Courtesy of Timothy K Hamilton’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License

Electoral College and Voting combined by Sheena Robertson on Oct 24, 2020
View all posts by Sheena Robertson →

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