Unbelievable a 911 Call About a Stalker Pig Was Real

After a brief 911 call, military were certain that a male on a other line was possibly dipsomaniac or hallucinating. Expecting to find an doubtful male in unsafe conditions, a military instead find a totally solemn male along with a animal in doubt behind him.

North Ridgeville military officers perceived a call around 5: 30 a.m. on Saturday with a tourist saying he did not know what to do and suspicion this was a best option. The male pronounced he was on his approach home and was 30 miles west of Cleveland, walking from Elyria’s Amtrak sight hire when he beheld a pig following him and he walked.

It turns out a pig, Zoey, is another man’s pet and was trained so she was gentle around humans. When a male and animal were identified, a military managed to secure Zoey in a military cruiser and take her to a station. Later a animal was ecstatic to a dog’s animal shelter, temporarily used as a pig pen, until a owners picked her up.

The whole conditions was so most like a kangaroo occurrence in 2005 that a military dialect remarked that others should have schooled from what happened when a exile pet kangaroo was found in a streets nearby Stonebriar Lane. Luckily no North Ridgeville officers were spoiled in a routine of returning Foster, a kangaroo, to a owner.

Afterward, a print of a pig was posted on facebook by a officer, receiving some-more than 11,500 shares and over 2,000 comments a following morning.

Written by Brielle R. Buford
Edited by Cathy Milne


MSN: Ohio male calls military to news he’s being followed by a pig
CBS News: Ohio male calls military after pig won’t stop following him
Live Science: Why Would a Pig Follow a Man Home?

Top and Featured Image Courtesy of DM’s Flickr page – Creative Commons License

Unbelievable a 911 Call About a Stalker Pig Was Real combined by Brielle Buford on May 21, 2018
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