Game review: Why Dangerous Golf is dangerously boring

As a concept, Dangerous Golf sounds like a lot of fun — supercharged burning golf balls destroying all in sight. And it is fun, though usually for a initial 10 minutes. The judgment gets aged quickly, notwithstanding a game’s bid to keep we intent with challenges, energy moves and mixed reward holes.

Dangerous Golf moves from one plea to another though gripping we hooked

The tract is self-existent and there is zero restraining we to a game. You pierce from one unfolding to a other, finishing one plea after another. The hurdles do get harder, though it does small to keep we engaged. Though, this is meant to be a approach to make golf some-more interesting, it had a conflicting effect.

This is hapless since a group behind Dangerous Golf, Three Fields Entertainment, is a same group behind Burnout — that bomb automobile diversion where a indicate of pushing was to beget costly crashes. While that judgment worked with cars, it doesn’t work good with golf.

There are some issues with a camera angle as well. Since a camera is focussed on your ball, it tends to be all over a place, if a round happens to get stuck. The subsequent problem we had with a diversion is that it requires a controller, even on PC. Though a diversion seems like it would siphon some-more if it were played with keyboard controls, we would have still favourite to have a choice. The controls also make a diversion feel some-more like pinball than golf.

Dangerous Golf was an bid to make golf fun, though that unsuccessful miserably. There could be an extraordinary diversion dark in this one, though for now, we consider a developers need to take it behind to a sketch board.

Dangerous Golf

Publisher: Three Fields Entertainment
Developer: Three Fields Entertainment
Platform: PC
Price: Rs 565
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