Attain mindfulness, and keep tabs on your health

Register for a online event to get answers from medical professionals

Attain mindfulness, and keep tabs on your health

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Health matters

If a pestilence and changing continue conditions have left we worried, check out a Family Health Care event to find clarity on health-related issues. Register for a online event to get answers from medical professionals.
On: Jun 23 onwards; 6 pm
Log on to: 
Call: 9508781469
Cost: Rs 999

Peace within

Join Japneet Kaur Anand, an fluent art-based therapist for a practical event where we will be guided on how to achieve mindfulness. Simply being in a impulse and carrying out your bland tasks can renovate your knowledge of building a pacific state of mind. 
On: Video on demand
Log on to:
Cost: Rs 49

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